Job Details

  • ST Recruitment Centre (02C4416)

  • Recruitment Centre

  • F&B Service Technician ( Immediate Start )

  • Jurong

  • $ 2200 - 2300

  • 5.5


  • Mechantronics Engineering / Technology

  • Minimum ITE In Mechatronics Engineering / Technology Knowledge or Equivalent. 

    • To Travel Island-Wide to Customers' Local Restaurants to Provide Repair Services of Equipment in the Kitchen. 
    • Perform On-Site Installation and Commissioning, Servicing Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Equipment and Machines


    Work Location :  Singapore
    Work Details:     9-6 pm / 9-1 pm. ( 5.5 Days )
    To work OT, or during Weekends / Public Holidays , But Not Very Often. Handphone & Transport Allowance Provided.

  • Technical/ Engineering/ Production

  • Permanent

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